Committed to Christ and His Word!

Kirchweg 1, 65207 Wiesbaden


Communion With Christ

March 1, 2020 Speaker: Philip Gelston Series: Ephesians

Passage: Ephesians 3:17

Sermon:        Communion With Christ               Ephesians 3:17

I. What Does Paul Mean?


II. How Do We Achieve Such Communion With Christ?


     A. Make Diligent Use of the Means of Grace


     B. Seek Acceptance In Christ


     C. Lose Everything (either voluntarily or involuntarily)


     D. Be Disappointed


     I would observe, that though it is our bounded duty, and the highest privilege we can propose to ourselves, to have our hearts kept close to the Lord; yet we must not expect it absolutely or perfectly, much less all at once. We shall keep close to Christ in proportion as we are solidly convinced of the infinite disparity between him and the things which would presume to stand in competition with him, and the folly, as well as ingratitude, of departing from him. But these points are only to be learned by experience, and by smarting under a series of painful disappointments in our expectations from creatures.

~ John Newton

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